Sunday, May 29, 2016

Well, my Thunder did not close out the series last night.  Bummer.  I was really disappointed in our fans.  Tons of them walked out with about 2 minutes to go in the game when they realized it was going to be hard for us to win.  Also, during one of the time outs right at the end of the game when we were behind, the Thunder people were not trying to get the crowd going at all.  They were playing some lame song and that was it.  Very disappointing.  It's like everyone just gave up and said "the season is over".  I am hoping for a win on Monday.  I know they are capable of winning but with this last loss, it might be a little harder for them.  I am not giving up on them yet!  Thunder UP!

I had the unfortunate privilege of visiting the OU Medical Center ER this morning.  I have decided that hospitals are about the most germ-ridden establishments that exist.  I had symptoms of a cold yesterday, mostly super-runny nose.  This morning when I woke up, I could tell my chest was congested and also I was coughing up stuff.  When I took my temp, it was 100.4.  I was told by my doctor that if it ever got up to that exact number, 100.4, to call.  I talked to the doctor on call and she sent me to ER.  I will say this, they got me back to a room immediately (right after they had me put on a surgical mask).  They treat their chemo patients like royalty.  They did take good care of me but I was so glad they did not admit me.  It was freezing in there and they did not want to give me a blanket since I was running a fever.  I finally convinced the Admittance girl to get me one.  That's why I'm wearing my hood in the pic.  My head was cold!  If I ever have to go back to ER, I will be more prepared.

They gave me a round of IV antibiotics and a prescription for more.  They won't know until Tuesday if it's viral or bacterial.  The dr. said it's better if it's viral, so we are praying for that.  Oh, and another "small world experience" doctor is married to a former PCN student of mine....Cassandra (Cassie) Duncan, Class of 2002.  He has a great bedside manner and took great care of me.  Thank you Dr. Kavon Azadi.

So for now, I will monitor my temperature and take my antibiotics.  I plan on having a restful Memorial Day tomorrow.

Later, Cathy


  1. So happy you are back home! Definitely take it easy! You need all that energy for the Thunder Game tomorrow night!!

  2. Day by day is the way... You do the DBD so well... Love your blog...

  3. Day by day is the way... You do the DBD so well... Love your blog...
