Saturday, September 10, 2016

I went in Wednesday for my lab work.  My levels were ok for treatment but I had to go in early Friday morning and have blood re-tested to see if they needed to make some adjustments in my chemo drugs.  The levels they were testing had come up so they didn't have to make any changes.  So I had the Carbo and Taxol treatment on Friday.  My good friend from work, Carrie, took me to my appointment.  So far I have felt fine, maybe just slightly more tired than usual.

On Tuesday I got a call from Dr. Walker's office.  They wanted to know if I would be interested in being in some pictures that they were taking for the Stephenson Cancer Center website and also for some pamphlets for Dr. Walker.  So on Wednesday after my lab work a photographer took photos of me and Dr. Walker in one of the examination rooms.  I felt very honored that she picked me out of all of her patients to be in the pictures with her.

Thomas and I went to the OSU game today.  It was chilly and luckily I took a blanket into the stadium or I would have been miserable.  The game was good until the refs gave Central Michigan an extra play after the game was over, which resulted in OSU losing the game.  Oh well, I guess it's just a game.


  1. So Blessed to get to be with you! You are missed everyday at work!! Now that pic of u and Thomas... That is a Rockin' couple! Rip off on the OSU game😫 Love you CK!

  2. Football is simply a game and not nearly as important as the game of life...

  3. Football is simply a game and not nearly as important as the game of life...
