Thursday, May 3, 2018

Wow, it’s been a while since I last posted in December.   Just to bring you up to date a little, in November I completed my heavy duty chemo regimen. Then I went on “maintenance” chemo every three weeks.  However, after only 4 treatments of this chemo, my CA125 started going up again....which means the maintenance drugs were not keeping the cancer at bay. So, we stopped that treatment and I had a CT scan. It showed some small areas of cancer but nothing measurable.  So I made the decision to stop treatment for the time being and repeat me CT scan in a few months. I had the scan last Friday and met with Dr.Walker yesterday.  It showed one tumor that is 1.1cm in size.  It is now measurable since it’s over 1 cm.  So, what that means for me is that I now qualify for a Phase I clinical study.  I will meet with another doctor next week to see what trials are available to me. So, this is good news because being able to participate in a study like this gives me an added option with which to fight my cancer.  Health wise, I've been feeling pretty good.  Some days are better than others but overall I cannot complain. 
Thank you for your continued prayers!
Love, Cathy

1 comment:

  1. Continuing to pray, Cathy, and thanking God for every minute you have with Thomas and your children, and for the blessing you are to SO many. May the hard days be fewer and more brief, and may the good days dominate!
