Monday, July 25, 2016

Last Friday was my first chemo treatment since my surgery.  It went great and I actually felt better afterwards than I had since my surgery.  It has to be the steroids that I take before my treatment that gives me that extra burst of energy.

My incision wound is getting better but not quite healed yet.  Hopefully it won't be too much longer that we have to deal with the daily ritual of caring for it.  And, Saturday night was my last stomach shot for preventing blood clots!  I am so glad that's over with!!

Now that I have been released to drive (thank you!!!!), it makes the days much less boring.  I love being able to get out and go run errands or go to Sonic when I want.  Today I got out and drove to my nail salon for nails and a pedi.....first time in over a month.  I was so excited and got there about 10 minutes early, walked in and did not see my nail girl, Jessica.  Turns out my appointment is tomorrow so I'll be going back after I do lab work.

Good hair is growing back pretty fast.  Bad news....I just lost all of my eyelashes in the past week or two.  I tried the false eyelash route one day but it's almost more trouble than it's worth.

That's all the news for now.  Eight more chemo treatments and then hopefully I'll be feeling more like my old self.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

No journey would be complete without some twists and turns along the way.  I've had a few of my own this past week.  First, I had an issue with my incision (I'll save the details for those of you who might be squeamish).  A home health nurse came out for a few days to take care of it.  On the 4th day she came, she taught Abby how to care for my wound.  Abby has been doing it daily and is doing a good job.  And, since Thomas and Emma are going to be in South Padre this weekend, Abby had to learn how to do my stomach injections that I get every night (to prevent blood clots).  I just call her Nurse Abby nowadays!

I spent Saturday from about 6:00 p.m. - 5:00 a.m. in the ER.  About 11:00 Saturday morning my neck started hurting while I was sitting up in bed.  It got worse and worse.  By 5:00 p.m., I could not move my head at all and was in excruciating pain.  After a few calls to the doctor on call, Abby took me to the ER.  They did lab work, a CT scan and a lumbar puncture (to check for a brain bleed and meningitis).  All of the tests came back with good results (prayers answered).  They sent me home with muscle relaxers.  The first few days were very painful but my neck is getting better every day.  I had no idea that muscle spasms could cause debilitating pain like that.  I am supposed to start physical therapy soon for my neck and that should help too.

My next round of chemo was supposed to start tomorrow.  But Dr. Walker decided to wait a week until I feel better.  I am still so thankful that I was referred to her in the first place.  She is the best compassionate and caring.  She always gives me a hug or a pat on the leg or foot.  I am thankful for her.

My next doctor appointment is Thursday and chemo should start Friday if my lab work is good....fingers crossed!

Later, Cathy


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Well, today was my 12th day post-surgery.  I think I'm doing really well, all things considered.  I'm still having some abdominal pain from the surgery/healing but that's to be expected.  I'm getting a little stronger each day.

I was really dreading the hospital stay at OU Medical Center, but it was the best hospital experience I've ever had.  The nurses took such good care of me....I mean they went above and beyond.  Everyone there from the doctors down to the housekeeping staff were so professional.  I was very impressed with their compassion and consideration.  The bed was comfortable, the room was very quiet when the door was shut and I rested very well while there.  The nurses would even tty to do my night-time meds and vital signs at the same time so they wouldn't have to wake me more than necessary.

Dr. Walker felt good about the surgery.  There were a few spots she could not remove because of their location but hopefully the next rounds of chemo will take care of those.  I'm not sure when I start chemo again.  I go see Dr. Walker next Tuesday.

I had several visitors during the week and got some beautiful flowers/gifts.  I also got to spend time with a comfort dog, I think his name was Riley.  Three of my girlfriends from Marlow came to see me but, of course, I forgot to get a picture with them.  Thanks Teresa, Becky and Susan for going out of your way to visit me!

We had a good 4th yesterday (I mean despite the big Kevin Durant decision).  Thomas drove his jeep again in the neighborhood parade and Emma and Kylie threw candy to the spectators.  It lasted about 5 minutes!  Great parade!  lol. Mom, dad, and Candice came over and we had a huge sandwich spread prepared by Abby.  Good times!

I will try to add pictures tomorrow.  My computer is being difficult!  Once again, thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers coming my way.

Love, Cathy